For someone who resists packing, partly because I am a carry-on only person, the process started from the moment the new backpack left the store. (I cannot get into the drawn out process of choosing IT… maybe for another post!).
While driving home, I made a mental list of what it would (notice the w and not a c in that last word) hold. This went on for a week, until one mid November evening, I could no longer avoid looking at IT sitting where I could not possibly miss it.
At report card writing time, many teachers get into cleaning closets, storage bins and even kitchen cupboards. Some people call it procrastinating, I like to call it pre-writing. Since the contents of my closets, storage bins and cupboards had fallen victim to fall cleaning, I had few choices left. During one of these moments, I decided to take the plunge and pack the items from that mental list. While wearing the new hiking boots (I was breaking these in), I trekked from the bedroom closet to my bag, back and forth and back and forth…then suddenly, the bag was full…but, I still had at least 10 items left on that list!
Getting back to those kitchen cupboards….maybe I was not thorough enough…